Time Annotation Layer
0:45 - 0:50 Adler does what appears to be an impression of a nervous actor Rhetorical device
2:30 - 2:38 Adler acts out the internal strife of someone who does not know where their scene partner is. Rhetorical device
3:00 "Where am I? Is that you?" Rhetorical device
5:44 - 5:49 Adler acts out walking on the edge of something, demonstrating to student how it is done. Rhetorical device
6:55 - 7:00 Adler acts out someone who wants to be watched: "Watch me!" Her gestures are very broad and hammy here. Rhetorical device
7:25 - 7:40 Adler once again acts out walking on an edge. Rhetorical device
2:30 - 2:55 Adler gestures emphatically and demonstratively Body language
6:05 - 6:26 Adler gestures emphatically while asking the student rhetorical questions. Body language
0:22 Adler gestures toward a student on the stage Teaching
2:00 Adler tells the student to start scene with dialogue Teaching
3:35 - 3:42 Adler tells student to communicate to audience. Teaching
3:45 - 3:55 Adler interrupts very angrily, calling the student's delivery "terrible." Teaching
4:35 Adler tells students to start scene. Teaching
4:54 - 5:15 Adler tells student to stop "making believe" that she is walking and to start walking. She asks student why she isn't simply walking. Teaching
5:15 - 6:00 The female student tries to explain herself, Adler responds. Teaching
6:05 - 6:29 Adler has an extended, impassioned, mostly one-sided dialogue with student about truth in acting. Teaching
3:05 - 3:12 The students laugh at a joke Adler makes. Students
3:25 - 3:45 The student on stage recites dialogue. Students
4:35 - 4:54 Two of the students act out the beginning of a scene where one of them is pretending to walk at the edge of a building. Students
7:58 Adler makes an inaudible joke and the class laughs. Students
0:10 - 0:40 Adler explains that you can avoid nervousness by finding "something to hold onto." Theory and Technique
2:13 - 2:30 Adler asks student who they are talking to. She points out that if you don't know who you are talking to in a scene it will make you more nervous. Theory and Technique
7:00 - 7:20 All actors, Adler says, are cursed, because the default message of performance is "watch me!" Theory and Technique
0:40 - 1:00 Adler talks about going to the text in order to see that the nervousness is not in the text and comes from the self Themes
3:45 - 4:25 Adler talks about the mindset of a king, painting a biographical picture for the students. Themes
6:00 - 7:00 During Adler's exchange it becomes clear that she's making a general point about truth in acting. She turns out to the students and says that the actor's instinct is to lie. Themes
4:27 The video transitions to another scene. Recording

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IIIF manifest: https://annotatingadler.github.io/adler-project/selection-from-scene-studies-ads0093-/manifest.json