Annotations for "Gestures in rhythm"

Item Time Annotation Layer
Selections from Scene Studies 0:01 She makes circular motions as if to say from me to you and also does so in a manner that creates rythmn
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:02 "Where is my partner!!" She is using her body to express the emotions that she wants her students to convey
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:02 There is a lot of aggresive hand gestures in this moment. She is using her arms as a way to create a point, to allow there to be a sense of rythm that is created and as a way for her to find her thoughts
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:03 Repeats, "where am I, is that you" twice in 2 very different ways then says there will not be you. Does this as a way to provide an example to the class
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:03 The students are laughing and she has one hand over her heart and the other shaking in the air. She twitches violently as a way to be funny
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:03 She is making clawed, beat motions with her hands as a means to relate to the student and get him to perform the way that she wants him to
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:03 - 0:04 She is twitching in anger as she talks about the student's performance being boring. she uses her body as a way to convey her disatisfaction
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:04 "Your thinking is poor" // more usage of her arms and her body to really make a point
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:05 Lots of motion, lots of acting! She acts it out so that her student completely understands what she wants
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:06 "What is that insanity. Tell me!" She acts it out, her students laugh. She wants them to truly understand what she is trying to say. She repeats it back to the original student and her gestures are getting bolder. It's almost as if she wants her student to feel the desperation.
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:06 "Don't you know that only you know". Lots of circular motions, trying to really make a point to her student
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:06 "LIE!!!" She screams as her hands shake, quite literally vibrating
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:06 - 0:07 WATCH ME. She repeats those words 3 different times with her progressively getting louder as she does so. And she is using her arms to really emphasize her pont. THe gestures get bigger and bigger
Body language
Selections from Scene Studies 0:00 Acting out the emotions in which the student should convey
Body language